Is there any adoption agency near me that can help my pregnant teenage daughter explore adoption as an option? We understand as a parent, you will experience feelings of shock, fear, and anger. You will not be sure how to best help your daughter navigate the road ahead. Adoption is a positive choice for a […]

Are you pregnant and considering private adoption in Florida? You may find yourself lost or confused with the whole adoption process. A million questions might be running through your mind. If you are unsure what to do or how to start the process, you can look at private adoption agencies in Florida like us. We can […]

Seeing those two pink lines can be shocking if you have an unplanned pregnancy. You may be stressed and may feel like your world has stopped. Different options are available for you to navigate. You don’t have to do this alone. We are here to help. Adoptions by Shepherd Care (ASC), a trusted Florida-based adoption agency, […]

I am pregnant and not ready to take care of the child. Having a child at this moment was not in my plan! Are there any abortion alternatives available for me? If yes, who can guide me in choosing the best alternative to abortion? Adoption by Shepherd Care (ASC) is ready to guide you in this […]

Are you pregnant and thinking about placing your child for adoption? It can feel overwhelming at the beginning. You might have a lot of questions. The right support system in the form of a trusted adoption agency near you is crucial throughout this process. Here are three things you should think about as you start […]

Are you pregnant and want to know about the child adoption services in Florida, or do you know anyone who needs more information about the same? You are in the right place! Placing your child for adoption can be an option if you have discovered an unplanned pregnancy and cannot raise the child alone. Our caring adoption […]

Searching for adoption agencies in South Florida? Need help with an unplanned pregnancy? Adoption by Shepherd Care ​​(ASC) has served expectant mothers all throughout the state of Florida since 1980.  If you’re considering “putting your baby up for adoption,” we can help you. You don’t have to go through this process alone. Having worked with […]

If you’re pregnant and considering adoption in Florida, one thing to think about is whether you want to have an  open or closed adoption. Both of these types of post-adoption relationships have pro’s and con’s, so it’s crucial to take the time to consider your options before making a final decision.  Closed or Open Adoption in […]

Are you looking for an adoption agency in Fort Lauderdale? Adoption by Shepherd Care ​​(ASC) has served expectant mothers all throughout the state of Florida since 1980.  If you’re considering “putting your baby up for adoption,” we can help you. You don’t have to go through this process alone. Having worked with hundreds of women […]