Searching for adoption agencies in South Florida? Need help with an unplanned pregnancy? Adoption by Shepherd Care ​​(ASC) has served expectant mothers all throughout the state of Florida since 1980.  If you’re considering “putting your baby up for adoption,” we can help you. You don’t have to go through this process alone. Having worked with […]

If you’re pregnant and considering adoption in Florida, one thing to think about is whether you want to have an  open or closed adoption. Both of these types of post-adoption relationships have pro’s and con’s, so it’s crucial to take the time to consider your options before making a final decision.  Closed or Open Adoption in […]

When considering your unplanned pregnancy options, you might have a lot of adoption questions. It’s completely normal to want to know everything about the process, and every expectant mother should have access to the answers she needs to make the best decisions possible. Check out these five adoption questions below that every expectant mother should […]

If you are unexpectedly pregnant, you might wonder what it looks like to make an adoption plan. Deciding to place your baby for adoption in Florida can feel a little overwhelming at first. Therefore, it’s important to have support as you walk through your options and begin this journey.  Getting Started Some women might be […]

Are you pregnant and considering Florida adoption as one of your pregnancy options? If so, Adoption by Shepherd Care (ASC) can help you gain the assistance you need to have a healthy pregnancy. Our organization is one of the oldest adoption agencies in Florida. So, we truly understand how overwhelming an unplanned pregnancy can be. That’s why we […]

Two of the most common questions we get from women who considering their unplanned pregnancy options are “How do I place my baby for adoption?” or “How much does it cost to place my baby for adoption?” In this blog post, we’ll do our best to answer both of those questions. “How Do I Place […]

Pregnant and considering adoption in Florida? If so, you’re probably going through a lot right now. You may be experiencing an array of emotions, and worried about what steps to take next. That’s perfectly normal, but it’s important to remember that help is available to you. You have options, and you don’t have to go […]