Are you pregnant and considering private adoption in Florida? You may find yourself lost or confused with the whole adoption process. A million questions might be running through your mind. If you are unsure what to do or how to start the process, you can look at private adoption agencies in Florida like us. We can […]

Are you pregnant and thinking about placing your child for adoption? It can feel overwhelming at the beginning. You might have a lot of questions. The right support system in the form of a trusted adoption agency near you is crucial throughout this process. Here are three things you should think about as you start […]

Are you pregnant and thinking about placing your child for adoption? If yes, the first thing you have to do is connect with a reliable adoption agency near you.  Adoption by Shepherd Care (ASC) has helped expectant mothers throughout Florida since 1980. It is currently the oldest Florida-based adoption agency. We can understand how a […]

Are you a woman who came to know about your pregnancy news accidentally? Yes, we understand how terrible it feels to discover your unplanned pregnancy. In short, your entire world collapses after hearing this news! Help is here. Maybe adoption can be a choice. Review the five steps on how to put your baby for adoption to help […]

Adoption can be an option for you if you have an unplanned pregnancy and are not in a position to raise or provide for your baby. Adoption by Shepherd Care will guide you through the adoption process and help you make a personalized adoption plan for your baby. You are never alone. Adoption is a selfless and courageous choice […]