Are you pregnant and thinking about adoption in Orlando? We understand that placing your child for adoption seems like an overwhelming decision for a mother. It is normal to have anxieties, questions, and fear during this time. Do you need help with an unplanned pregnancy but are not sure how to start with the process? […]

Are you pregnant and want to know about the child adoption services in Florida, or do you know anyone who needs more information about the same? You are in the right place! Placing your child for adoption can be an option if you have discovered an unplanned pregnancy and cannot raise the child alone. Our caring adoption […]

Are you pregnant and planning for an infant adoption in Florida? When you first decide to make an adoption plan, you might have a lot of questions. Adoptions By Shepherd Care (ACS) is here to guide you if you are unsure about the adoption process.  An unplanned pregnancy can bring a lot of emotions, fears, […]