Are you pregnant and considering private adoption in Florida? You may find yourself lost or confused with the whole adoption process. A million questions might be running through your mind. If you are unsure what to do or how to start the process, you can look at private adoption agencies in Florida like us. We can help you start your adoption journey and provide more information about the adoption process.
Adoptions by Shepherd Care (ASC), a private adoption agency in Florida, is committed to helping pregnant birth mothers. We will give all the information and resources you need with your journey. You do not have to go through this daunting process alone; we are always here to help and support you.
Look at Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options
When you are pregnant and wish to put your baby up for adoption, search for a local and licensed adoption agency near you, like us, to get the best help. We will guide you through all the options and your next steps regarding your adoption process.
Choose an Adoption Plan
After looking at all your options, pick an adoption plan (open, semi-open, and closed) that best suits you and your baby. The type of adoption you choose will eventually determine how much or how little contact you will have with the adoptive families.
Plan your Hospital Visits
Adoptions by Shepherd Care (ASC) can also help you with your hospital visits and prenatal care. Whether it is the actual planning you need help with, emotional support, or something else entirely, we are here to help and support you around the clock.
Putting your Baby for Adoption
After the hospital delivery, our team will help you complete all the required paperwork for putting your baby up for adoption.
Adoption in Florida
Be proud of yourself! Choosing adoption is never an easy decision to make, but you’ve done it! It is a selfless act of love.
We know adoption is a challenging process for all birth mothers, so Adoptions by Shepherd Care (ASC) are here to help. We respect you and your decisions. Contacting us is confidential and in no way obligates you to choose adoption.
If you are a pregnant woman in Florida considering adoption and have any questions or concerns about the adoption process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. For more information on adoption, call us at: (954) 981-2060, or text us at (754) 666-2973.