Seeing those two pink lines can be shocking at first. If you weren’t planning this, you’re probably feeling afraid and uncertain about what your unplanned pregnancy options might be. While it may feel like your world has stopped turning, there is still a very bright future ahead for you and your unborn child. You have options, and you don’t have to navigate through this alone. Adoptions by Shepherd Care (ASC) is here to help.
How To Best Understand Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options
Talk To Someone You Trust
An unplanned pregnancy can bring a lot of emotions, questions, and fears. It’s not an easy situation to walk through. Therefore, it’s important to have support as you process this information and consider your unplanned pregnancy options. Think of a friend or family member who you feel safe around. They might be a good person to support you as you process this news.
Need unplanned pregnancy help, but don’t feel you have a trustworthy person in your life? One of the team members at ASC be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you have. You can text us anytime at (754) 666-2973.
Consider Each Possibility
It can be difficult to know which of your unplanned pregnancy options is right for you and your unborn child. While some birth mothers would like to raise the child themselves, many women feel that they are not in a place in life to do so. Some women find it helpful to read through testimonials of what the adoption process looked like for other women in the same situation. It’s helpful to understand more of the process and see how birth mothers feel years after the adoption. This can often ease nerves, offer more information, and provide clarity.
Make an Adoption Plan
If you feel that adoption in Florida is the best of all your unplanned pregnancy options, it might be time to start making an adoption plan. There are some decisions ahead of you, but you don’t have to make these choices alone. You have specific rights as a birth mother, and you can decide if you’d like an open, closed, or semi-open adoption. It’s normal to have a lot of questions about this process, and it’s important to work with an agency that will support you and provide the answers you need.
Choose an Adoptive Family
Many women want to choose the adoptive family for their unborn child. There are many different factors for you to consider as you learn about awaiting families. Every birth mother has different values, and it’s important to know what you are comfortable with. For example, some birth mothers want the child to be adopted into a family with siblings. Others would prefer the child is adopted into a small family. You may also have preferences about open or closed adoption. As a birth mother, it’s important to consider your specific values and priorities as you go about finding adoptive families to consider as options for your baby.
Want to Learn More About Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options?
Wondering, “how do I place my baby for adoption?” Contact ASC, and one of our team members will reach out to you to learn more about your story and answer your questions.